Macaca fascicularis

                   The macaque was ill due to a wound on his neck and came to see the vet at AVC animal hospital. A veterinarian performed a physical examination and found that the injury around the neck was caused by the strangulation chain that was too narrow to cut the skin. The chain is thought to have been attached since the monkey was a young age, and as the monkey grew older, the chain became so tight that it cut into the throat. The veterinarian was then treated with general anesthesia and cut off the chain. The wound was well cleaned before suturing it. Antibiotic and analgesic drugs were injected to prevent infection. Also, advise the owner to adjust keeping management.
                   The macaque (Macaca fascicularis) is the longest-tailed macaque found in Thailand. The common name is Long-tail macaque or Crab-eating macaque with brown fur, the tail is longer than the length of the body, bodyweight about 3.5 – 6.5 kilograms, which can be found in mangrove forests to mixed deciduous forests from the central, eastern and southern regions, both the Gulf of Thailand and Andaman. They are classified as protected wildlife under the Wildlife Preservation and Protection Act.
